Spatial Correlation Study of Covid-19 Incidents with Unemployment Rates in East Java Province
Covid-19, Unemployment, Spatial Pattern, Spatial CorrelationAbstract
The COVID-19 outbreak has hit many countries in the world, including Indonesia. The impact is
extraordinary for the state order, one of which is in the economic sector. Starting from the problem of
the economic crisis, so that in Indonesia there were also massive layof s as a result of the covid-19
pandemic in which 90% of workers were laid of and 10% of workers were laid of . So this triggers an
increase in the unemployment rate in Indonesia. East Java Province also experienced an increase in
the unemployment rate in 2020. This study aims to analyze the spatial pattern of covid-19 and
unemployment, as well as analyze the spatial correlation of covid-19 with unemployment in East Java
Province using Moran Index analysis in the form of Univariate Moran's I and Bivariate Moran's I.
The results of the analysis show that the spatial pattern of Covid-19 and unemployment in East Java
Province are clustered. The results of the spatial correlation of covid-19 with unemployment show a
positive value, which means that there is a spatial correlation between covid-19 and unemployment in
the city/regency of East Java Province. Where cities/districts that have a high number of COVID-19
are surrounded by cities/districts with a high number of unemployed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nicken Ayu Andhika Mayangsari, Choirul Amin; Fransyudha Abandhika
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