Spatial Analysis of Changes in Land Use Against Detailed Spatial Plans (RDTR) in North Klaten District Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Year 2012-2020
Land use change, Suitability, Detailed spatial planningAbstract
The study in this study was conducted in the North Klaten District. North Klaten District was chosen
because it has the highest population growth rate in Klaten Regency in 2012-2020. The higher the
population growth in an area, the higher the demand for land in the area and changes in land use
occur. A land that is continuously turned into a built-up area can lead to land use that is not in
accordance with the Detailed Spatial Plan that has been prepared by the regional government. This
study aims to analyze the distribution of land use change in North Klaten District in 2012-2020 and
analyze the suitability of land use changes to the Detailed Spatial Plan for 2011-2031. The research
method used is a survey method to test the accuracy of digitizing data on land use changes. The
sampling method used a purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is spatial analysis to
determine the distribution of land use changes and the suitability of land use changes to the Detailed
Spatial Plan. The first result of this study is the distribution of land use changes that occurred in
North Klaten District in 2012-2020 of 158.68 ha. The highest type of land change is rice fields into
settlements of 60.05 ha or 75.69%, this land change share occurs in all villages. The village with the
highest type of change from paddy fields to settlements is Belangwetan Village, which is 10.81 ha. The
second result of this study is the classification of the suitability of land use changes to the Detailed
Spatial Plan which is divided into two classifications, namely land changes according to the Detailed
Spatial Plan of 77.17 ha or 97.26% and land changes that are not according to the Detailed Spatial
Plan of 77.17 ha or 97.26% 2.17 ha or 2.74%. Changes in land use that are not in accordance with
the Detailed Spatial Plan can be caused by several factors, including the ignorance of some
communities regarding the existence of spatial regulations and the negligence of some communities in
complying with the spatial regulations that have been set by the government in making changes to
land use.
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